My approach and style

Should you choose me to be your therapist, you can count on me to support you in your goals and dreams, honor your emotional world and sensitivities, as well as challenge you, nudge you out of your comfort zone, reframe your experiences, and build your capacity and ability to tolerate difficult feelings. My approach is:



Regardless of your pain, I see you as inherently whole and complete exactly as you are.


Our relationship, and your safety and trust, matters the most to me.


I trust that your experience is part of your spiritual unfolding.


I often bring in meditation, imagery, and body scans, to support present moment awareness, focused in the here and now.



I may invite you to notice and listen to the wisdom of your body as much as your thoughts.


I use consent and collaboration instead of force. We move at your pace and adapt as needed.

Social justice informed

I am sensitive to our differences in age, race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, economic status, power, and privilege. Therapy with me is a place where we can honor our differences with curiosity instead of defensiveness, counter to the dominant-culture of oppression and white supremacy in the U.S.

Reaching out is the hardest part.

“The opposite of depression is expression.”

— Dr. Edith Eger